The surprising benefits of massage
The many surprising benefits of massage
Everyone loves a good massage, there is something about having someone physically work on your body, smoothing and soothing your muscles that just feels so good. While we all know that it feels good you may not be aware of all the surprising benefits of massage and why it can be so beneficial for your overall health and wellbeing.
Massage makes you feel happier
Massage increases the serotonin and dopamine circulating in your blood stream (mood boosting transmitters) that in turn increase your feelings of happiness and decrease your feelings of anxiety and stress. Have you ever walked out of a massage session with glazed eyes not quite able to work out who or where you are. That’s all the feel good, super relaxing transmitters at work, improving your mood and making you feel more positive overall.
It reduces your pain levels
As we just mentioned a massage increases your feel-good transmitters in the body but it also reduces your feel bad transmitters. Cortisol is a hormone produced in response to stress and a massage can effectively reduce cortisol in the body while simultaneously boosting your body’s anti pain transmitters such as endorphins and serotonin thus giving your body the ability to fight pain and feel better.
It fulfills the need for touch and makes us feel loved and safe
All humans have a hardwired desire for nurturing, safe contact. Massage provides a safe way for us to receive touch in a way that is supportive and for some it may be the only caring touch they receive at all. Touch gives us the human contact we all crave, it makes us feel like part of a community and that we are loved and safe. Consider what a hug feels like and how it effects our physiology, well a massage can be like one big 1-hour long hug.
Its good for your heart
Massage can contribute to maintaining a healthy heart. Some of the great benefits of receiving a massage are that it improves your circulation and lowers your blood pressure. Improved circulation enables the blood and lymph to be moved around more efficiently, aiding in delivering oxygen particularly to the extremities of the body and nourishing the body effectively. During and after a massage your heart rate slows down meaning it can operate with less wear and tear whilst doing its job.
It’s a form of self care
Massage can be a great form of self-care. The emotional benefits of a massage can be just as beneficial as the physical benefits, giving the mind a chance to recharge and disconnect from the outside world for a period of time can do wonders for how you feel emotionally and physically. Many people incorporate massage as part of their maintenance schedule as its like getting a tune up for mind and body.
It helps improve sleep
As massage reduces cortisol levels which takes us out of fight or flight and allows the body to enter a more deep state of sleep. Accessing a deeper level of sleep and sleeping for more hours has a host of other benefits such as improved cognitive function, weight loss, improved concentration, reduced stress and improved blood pressure. It helps enhance mood and therefore has a positive effect on those around you.
It aids weight loss
Massage is an effective tool to utilise if you are looking to lose weight. As massage is so effective at reducing cortisol (the fat storing hormone) with studies showing a decline of cortisol levels by 30% after a 60-minute massage. It can aid in weight loss by allowing the body to feel safe enough to turn off its fat storage signal, which is always on when we are stressed. The addition of the increased serotonin and dopamine in your body also makes you more motivated to move and more inclined to make better food choices.
If you want to have more of the good stuff and less of the bad stuff in your life, feel better, sleep better, perform better, work better, play better, make better choices, think happier thoughts and feel better in your body, then massage is a great option for you. To find out more about our massage call or email us on

If you want to have more of the good stuff and less of the bad stuff in your life, feel better, sleep better, perform better, work better, play better, make better choices, think happier thoughts and feel better in your body, then massage is a great option for you. To find out more about our massage call or email us on
Massage is a highly effective tool for balancing the mind and body.